Roller Options

Roller options are a key way to create your bespoke etching press. All presss are fitted with Steel rollers as standard. Other roller options are Stainless Steel rollers when a press is being kept in a damp location . A damp location could be outhouses, garages and garden studios.The stainless steel rollers are corrosion free and need little care whereas the steel rollers in that environment need care. Steel rollers in a heated environment such as a house, school, workshop are ok. A brown bloom may appear on steel rollers occasionally. The Steel rollers have a high polish and corrosion appears as a bloom. Use a metal polish to remove this . When using the press always try to keep damp paper away from the rollers , you can use newsprint to keep blankets dry. Keep rollers clean and remove any ink using Turps or Methalayted Spirit.

All the rollers on the presses are made with care and prescion. The stainless option represents good value in todays market.

Diameters for Stainless Steel Roller Options

Boxer Press
Top Roller Diameter 114mm
Bottom Roller Diameter 100mm

Kudos & Gem Press
Top Roller Diameter 100mm
Bottom Roller Diameter 88mm

Pequeno & Piccolo Press
Top Roller Diameter 88mm
Bottom Roller Diameter 74mm

Bottom roller before maching
Bottom roller fully Machined