Bed size – 30cm x 60cm

Weight – 25 kgs

Gear Ratio – Direct Drive

Top Roller Dia – 89mm

Bottom Roller Dia – 76mm

Handle – Crank Handle
                 + Star Wheel Option

Load Rating – 6 Tonnes

Piccolo Etching Press
Piccolo Etching Press In Blue

The Piccolo Etching Press has been designed for Outreach use. Weighing in at 25kgs, this makes it relatively portable. Capable of all types of printing, the weight loss is not at the expense of integrity, it has large roller sizes and standard bearings. This enables it to do of intaglio work and relief work to a professional level. The handle option is the Crank as standard driving the bottom roller.The three /four spoked Starwheel is an option for the 30cm press for an extra £50/£65 and drives the top roller, the spokes are removable for transportation. Other options are Stainless Steel Rollers for damp locations. Rollers are made from the best quality Stainless Steel and are corrosion free. See Roller Options on the menu.

Fitted with ‘Easi-set’ handles for a quick efficient way to set the top roller. Fitted with rubber feet, giving it a stable base to operate on any bench/worktop. The press of choice for many of the Print workshops doing Outreach work. It is also the choice of many private artists doing workshops for Art functions and Schools. It is also a consideration for the private artist that just wants to store a press and then bring it out when needed. Compact with a footprint 36cm x38cm and a height of 38cm. Like all of this present range of presses the Piccolo has never failed.

A Genuine Intaglio Press that will do etching to the highest standard.
Rollaco Raing – 30 cm 7.5 (see Press Ratings Page).


Among the Printworkshops using the Piccolo for Outreach and Hire are Curwen Print Study and Poole Printmakers